FateSender, 3rd
Initiate, Union of the Covenant
Full Name: Aislin Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Icey blue Height: 5'0 Weight:
120 Skin Color: Tan Distinguishable Markings: Glowing ruby necklace, two scars on her feet (one per) . Bracelet
of a fine craftsmanship upon her left wrist Beliefs: FreeSoul Drainer Favorite Colors: Green, Black, Blue Best Friends:
Jiovanni, DreamEdge, Arlyana Jax, Eilathen, Arya Blood Family: MysticHawk(mom) moondust & Jennteel (aunts) BuzZz(uncle)
Blana (grandmom) Ravageone(grandpop) MDKILL (grandpop) Ballaster(brother) and a few others I'm sure Adopted Family: FateSisters,
and some Edge-Menjaro's Started Dreaming: I'm going to guess fall of 2000 Ended Dreaming: Short breaks, roughly 8-10
months; recently returned in '04 and '05 and '06 Marriages: None, though has had two engagements
Favorite Shoe: Sandles, closed toe clogs  Favorite Hair Style: Curly, dark in color and somewhat short in length Other Affiliations: FateSisters, babysitting