Existance... By Starling C Ramsay
know that time when words are worthless.....
Endless ocean, longing sunset, the wind whispers in the dark. That
exact moment when you become blinded by emotion.
What are true dark secrets? When you share something, not with
anyone else.. but with existence.
Nothing brings more relief than recognizing the familiar, feeling at home.
you see your breath in an autumn morning? A chill which consumes and at the same time brings joy. The transparent scent
of the seasons changing.
Experiencing your first kiss. Experiencing your first loss.
The never ending burning
desire of hatred which is embedded in your soul any moment you see that from which your rage is fueled.
The fingertips
of a newborn, reaching a hand up to your face as though calling for your love and comfort.. letting you know that you are
in fact - Needed.
How can a common overused word do any of these emotions-sensations-feelings justice?
is truth in the silence of the heart which springs up from spontaneous and routine instances.
You can not ignore existence
and there are no terms or texts to describe it. You must simply... Embrace it.