What we are
Arlyana Jax
Burgandy Rose
Thank Yous

Starling stands before you, a cheerful smile almost always on her face. Just out of her teen years she is still playful, but also seeking knowledge from every aspect of life. Ultimecia is the shard she calls home. Such a beautifuly colored shard full of flowers, waterfalls, magical unicorns and a few dragons. Seventy percent of it's population is comprised of women, powerful women, Sorceresses. The male species that occupy close to twenty percent of the shard are the great Wizards who originally founded Ultimecia and have been mentors to each of the females. The reason behind the sexual population being so female bias goes back to the history of Trabia, the first female ever to grace the the grounds of Ultimecia.
Trabia came to the shard as a humble peasant, running from the wars and danger in her home shard. She was immediately taken in by the great Wizards. They taught her of love, patience, power, control, and the magic within her. Since she was the the first and only female the Wizards had ever been near each of them found it hard to control their hearts. Trabia became aware of this and began to possess a devious nature, remaning faithful in her love to not one Wizard. Thus came the day when each Wizard found out of her wrong doings. Each of them gathered together and placed a strong curse on her. Vowing that if she were to ever conceive a child, they would all be female, to teach her a lesson. What the Wizards did not think of at the time was since they had all combined their powers into one, the strong curse would follow Trabia's children, grand children, great grand children, and on down to her ancestors. Thus creating the impact of every child ever to be born by a female on this shard to be a girl and possess sorceress powers.
Starling's mother, Adel, is a master sorceress. Her father, Odin, one of the founders of the Shard. Starling is not yet fully aware of how to execute her powers to their fullest extent. She has many more years of studying to do before she will be a master sorceress like her mother. She is sent to the dream, each cloudsbreak eve, to help her gather pratice of control, knowledge of arts, helping with others, patience with her awareness, and to learn mature ways of handling matters.
She herself hopes to bring her kindness to all she sees and create a smile upon each dreamers face.
Starling's days on her Ultimecia are spent studying under her mother and father. Her evenings are spent mostly with family and friends, playing with unicorns, collecting flowers, and splashing in the waterfalls. Ultimecia is a very pleasent shard, in the sense that they have few arguments among the sorceresses or wizards, and have had no wars to deal with.
This most likely explains Staling's usually good spirit.
So, if you see this young dreamer splashing around in the ponds in your dreams, please dismiss it with a laugh, and know that one day, she will learn.