What we are
Arlyana Jax
Burgandy Rose
Thank Yous
What we are

It's a trait, a characteristic. You can't be forfeited from it. It's not a guild, it's not a house. ~Braelynn
I believe the Sisters to be the purest form of a gathering. Focus, beliefs, crests even sex have little bearing. We look to the dreamer within and nuture it. We stand outside the conflicts between the houses and look in, being as objective as possible. We give unconditional love, as true love cannot have conditions. Our love is everlasting, never being removed, as being a Sister comes from the heart. ~Arlyana Jax
Who Is A Sister?
A sister is the one who makes dreams easier to dream,
Whom you can share our likes and dislikes with,
She is the one who tells us her vast secrets and feelings
And asks us to do the same.
She makes us feel comfortable when we are sad,
She guides us the right way when we are bad,
She is more than any word can tell,
She holds us when we tend to fall.
She comes to know our problems through our eyes,
She is of course naughty but wise,
She is my dream's sunrise.
We should always make oneself full
of these qualities to be a sister.~Jennteel
It's never been some club, some house, some priority (at that) - all it's ever been is best friends coming together to be FAMILY.
You don't kick family out. Maybe in houses you do, but not REAL family.
Family is about loving, caring, and understanding.
Family isn't about holding a title or attending meetings or a path!
Family is about laughter and good times.
Family isn't about responsiblities. Love isn't a responsibility. If it becomes one, then it isn't love - ANYMORE.  ~Starling
Sisters are friends who:

Listen to you sorrows
Support your successes
Commiserate on your failures
Lend a helping hand in your projects
Share in your happiness
Forgive your mistakes
Protect you from the malice of others
Take the time to know your dreams
Go out of their way to make you smile
Always have a hug
Want to see you happy.

Sisters are a family that does change when crests change, when marriages change, when mistakes are made, or when the rest of the dream seems to be falling apart. The sisters are there for each other, and the sisters can't be moved from this role.~Arya
Fatesisters to me menas a group of dreamers that
                                    come together and can 
                                    learn from one another. No matter the sex or faith we believe in each 
                                    other. Our sisterhood allows us to have a family forever, allows us to 
                                    be free with our thoughts.~BurgandyRose
