Syn&Vanni Wedding


Sketches by AJ

Wedding Date: Wednesday, The 17th day of the 12th month, Year of Peril
Time: Gathering at 7:00 PM - Ceremony at 7:30 PM
Officiant: WishBringer
Best Woman: Braelynn for Synteny
Best Woman: Triste for Jiovanni
Ringer Bearers: Christos and Kairyuu
Photographer: Arylana Jax

Ceremony Location: The Nexus, in the Citadel
Guests will take their place on the Balconies
Grooms, Officiant, and Others will be at Center Stage
Reception Location: The Union of the Covenant

Color Scheme: Sand and Chalk

Ceremonial Agenda

    7:30 PM - Chiming of the GateKeeper's Bells (Commencement)
    7:31 PM - Greetings and Welcome by Officiant
    7:40 PM - Reading of Selection by Jiovanni for Synteny
    7:45 PM - Exchange of Vows and Rings
    8:00 PM - Signing of Marriage Certificate/License
    8:05 PM - Presentation of the Couple
    8:06 PM - Chiming of Triste's Bell, 3 Times
    8:07 PM - Chiming of GateKeeper's Bells (Conclusion)
    8:15 PM - Reception at the Union of the Covenant