Wedding of Staffa and Skuld


Ceremony | Sketches



On behalf of Staffa and Skuld, I'd like to welcome you

all and thank you for being here to share in the happy occasion.

A wedding ceremony is an outward form. To be true, it must be a symbol of something inner and real. A sacred personal union which nature might mirror, a church can solemnize, or a city may declare if to be true, which only love can create and mutual loyalty fulfill. To last, a marriage should be a consecration of each person to the other, and of both to the wider community of which they are a part. Because Staffa and Skuld feel a great closeness and  respect for all of you here, they chose each of you to witness their vows today. Marriage is an intensely personal act, but, in order for the couple's marriage to gain strength to last throughout the years, their union must be supported by their greater society.  Now, Skuld and Staffa, marriage is a serious and dreamlong commitment. The vows you make today should not be made lightly or without forethought. Are you prepared to enter into this solemn covenant ?



 My dear love, Staffa,

This City has changed, from the first time I met you.

The light I see in the sky shines more each day.

And the warmth within my heart grows to fill

everything I am, for you.

When I look into your eyes, everything else in my life

fades to dust. You are all I see.

The moments we spend together bring a heaven into the

dream, and it shines from every edge of the city.

Every second that I am with you, I cherish deeply in

my heart forever.

Our love is forever, eternal, never ending.

You are always in my heart, and in everything I am.

If I could express how much I truly loved you, without

holding back, I would explode into a thousand shimmering hearts,

spreading across the planes to rest upon you and warm you.

The portals may stop spinning, the flames may go out.

But you and I..

We are Forever.

And I will stand by your side, sit with you in times

of need, and laugh with you in times of joy.

Even if the dream split in two, and you and I were

torn apart in distance, that would not even separate our love from each





My dearest Skuld, you have made my dreams more than I

imagined they could be. Filled them with happiness,love and joy. It was

not so long ago that I felt my dreams were over.

I still remember the day I first saw you. You filled

the room with such joy. You turned my dreams around that day and I can

never repay the love you have shown me.

Though the dream may not always be as perfect as it

is at this moment. I vow to always keep my love as pure as it is today.

I promise to be there for you in your laughter and in

your tears,  in your comfort and your fears, on your good days and on

your bad days.

I know that fate brought us together, and I promise

to be there with you for all of your dreams. For I know that all of my

dreams have come true.


Sable: Skuld , do you have the ring ?


Kailee looks down at a pretty night colored box and opens it

up to reveal a gold wedding band


Sable: Staffa , do you have the ring ?


Hrrum opens his fist and extands his hand towards the groom


Skuld smiles, holding the box in her hands.


Staffa Takes the ring and looks at it lovingly


Sable: Do you Skuld take this man , to be your husband, for

as long as you may dream ? In happines and in sickeness ?


Skuld: I do.


Sable: please place the ring upon Staffa


Skuld smiles to her love, looking into his eyes.

Staffa holds his hand as steady as he can


Skuld takes Staffa's hand, and gently puts on the shining

golden ring, trying not to cry more.


Sable: Do you Staffa take this woman , to be your wife, for

as long as you may dream ? In happines and in sickeness ?


Staffa: I do


Sable: Please place the ring upon Skulds finger


Staffa Takes Skuld's hand into his own and places the ring

upon her finger lovingly


Sable: I am now proud to pronounce you man and wife.


Sable: You may kiss the bride.
