This is a site dedicated to the FateSisters. A group of lovely women that every female wanted to be and every man
wanted to be with. Originally consisting of three members only, it grew to have five, and the growth continues. Illuminated or
FreeSoul, it mattered not, for friendship reigned supreme. This is a scroll dedicated to what the Fatesisters stand
FateSisters Forever!
As of December 31st, 2006 the city known as Underlight can no longer be reached. I maintain this scroll so neither our sisters
nor our memories will be forgotten.
~Arlyana Jax~
Underlight, the Underlight Logo, the Lyra Studios Logo, game concepts, game terms, and graphics copyright Lyra Studios, LLC
1997-2000. All rights reserved. Used with permission. This site is not affiliated with Lyra Studios, LLC, and the views expressed
here are not necessarily the views of Lyra Studios, LLC.